Thursday, August 28, 2008

Devin's Diorama of the political race

This my diorama of the political race. I feel that this political race is one of the most important issues going on in America. I put up pictures of the two major canidates, Barack Obama (far left) and John McCain (far right). I used cars to symbolize the canidates. And the finsh line (far left wall) has the presidential symbol to represent the goal of the race and the prize. The start line (far rigth wall) is actually a picture of slavey chains/cuffs. This represents where us Black/African-American people have come from and how far we will go to reach our goal. And on the back are a check and x for when people vote. All of this is inside a voting box. The size of the pictures also represent who i plan to vote for and who is in the lead or has the greatest chance of winning.

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